Cape Argus E-dition


East-West vulnerable, South deals

Opening lead: King of

North-South used some popular modern bidding tools to reach an excellent slam contract. We are confident that our grandmother would have reached the same contract in fewer bids, but the play is the thing.

The straightforward line is to double finesse in diamonds, giving a 75 percent chance for success. Declarer must time it carefully. Win the ace of hearts, lead a spade to the ace, and cash the king and queen of clubs. A spade to the 10 would be followed by cashing the ace of clubs to discard the losing heart and then a diamond to declarer’s 10. Assuming that loses, ruff the heart return and lead a spade to the king, drawing the last trump, and lead a diamond to the queen. Not a bad line of play, but down one on this lie of the cards. Can you spot something better?

If you assume that West has the king of diamonds for his overcall, a better line is available. Win the ace of hearts and play a spade to the ace. Cash the king and queen of clubs and then lead a spade to the 10. Discard a heart on the ace of clubs and ruff dummy’s remaining heart. Exit with the queen of diamonds to West. On this lie of the cards, West will have to yield a ruff-sluff or lead a diamond into the ace-10. Should West have the last club to exit with, ruff and lead a spade to the king. A finesse for the jack of diamonds might still get you home.





African News Agency