Cape Argus E-dition



“My partner’s skills as declarer have never been questioned,” a club player told me sourly. “In fact, they’ve never even been mentioned.”

My complainant’s partner was declarer at 3NT in a penny-a-point set game. After dummy’s ace won the first heart, declarer came to his king of diamonds and returned a club to dummy’s king. When East played low, South came back to the ace of spades and led a second club: five, queen, ace. Then he couldn’t make use of the clubs and went down two.

“If he has an aptitude for dummy play,” North griped, “it has yet to be discovered.”


It doesn’t help South to lead the king of clubs from dummy at Trick Two. East will play low, and South lacks the entries to set up and cash any clubs. Instead, dummy must lead the ten.

East takes the jack and returns a heart, and South wins and leads his last club to the king and East’s ace. South can win the next heart and reach dummy with the ace of diamonds to run the clubs, making an overtrick.

Daily Question

You hold: ♠ A94 2 ♥ K Q 6 ♦ K5 32 ♣ 6 4. The dealer, at your left, opens one spade. Your partner doubles, and the next player passes. What do you say?

Answer: Opposite a partner who will have sound values for his double, you have enough strength to insist on game or at least to invite strongly, but you may lack a good trump suit. Bid 2NT, invitational to game. If the defenders attack spades, maybe your nine will provide a second stopper. South dealer

N-S vulnerable





African News Agency