Cape Argus E-dition



3 Find it does take effect on the audience (4,6) 8 He disputes the fact that one associates it with nylon (6)

9 Because in midweek it does slacken off (4) 10 Ring a bell, or shout a warning (4,2,4)

11 Look fine, then comes the rain (3)

13 Quickly pick up the picture (4)

14 Make over, again, the prototype (7)

15 Flower wine (4) 17 Question people in bars (5)

20 As a gesture, give mum a little present for the home (5)

22 Puts in groups (4) 24 Isn’t wrong about the copper for a second (7) 25 Blow! It needs a button! (4)

27 After the note E, only (3)

28 Interrupting the conversation on how to cook potatoes? (8,2) 29 Have settled back, which is bad (4)

30 Peels, roughly, about ten and chucks them out (6)

31 Resolute, call in to take action about (10)


1 He won’t relinquish the fee (8)

2 Given medication if up, or a shot in the arm (6) 3 The singer in the corner trilling about love (7)

4 For a chap with a good upbringing, it’s madness (5)

5 Afraid, we notice, about (4)

6 Plant in the river bank (8)

7 Cricketer with a limp? (5-3)

12 One policeman’s after the scamps (4)

14 For balance, lean against (4)

16 Get rid of the other; with her gone, put us in (4)

17 Denied having got the increase spoken of (8) 18 So the boy rattling the tin outside is cheeky (8) 19 One’s head won’t work (4)

21 How the brunette behaved crookedly? (8) 23 Cut it out and filled it (7)

25 Is up to get the animal something to eat (6) 26 Fifty-nine, about, and possibly Irish (5) 28 Maintain I left out the shellfish (4)





African News Agency