Cape Argus E-dition

AU has made one of its best decisions on Israel in years

WITH South Africa burning, in what President Ramaphosa describes as an insurrection, some “concerned activists” seem to have missed one of the most monumental moments the country has witnessed since democracy.

Shannon Ebrahim writes that “certain African states have lost their revolutionary spirit, abandoning the Palestinians at the most desperate time in their fight for liberation”.

The problem, in case Ebrahim was unaware, is independence would strip the corrupt leadership of the Palestinians of their day job.

Mention is made of UN organisation Amnesty International, and other groups, investigating war crimes – what the writer doesn’t tell readers is that those same bodies are also investigating Hamas for war crimes.

The writer wouldn’t mention that Hamas fired almost 5 000 deadly rockets at only civilian targets in Israel, precipitating a response.

The need for solidarity for Palestinians from the African continent, as Ebrahim writes, has reached a point where the majority of African states have had enough of the myth presented to them by the likes of BDS (the boycott, divestment, sanctions movement).

They recognise the great advantages of close ties with Israel, which can assist in alleviating famine and drought, and create that “better life for all” their citizens.

The ANC would be well advised to focus on matters at home rather than criticise some of the best decisions of the AU in years.

ALLAN WOLMAN | Tel Aviv, Israel





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